K6BCW Eli Hickox


These are some convenient charts I use to reference nets and digital rooms I like to frequent, and how I like to access them. I use a Yaesu radio with a Pi-Star Hotspot. I also use the W6PW repeater for local DMR nets. You may be able to access these rooms and nets differently.


Net Time Repeater Frequency (MHz) or Digital Room
San Francisco Radio Club DMR Net Mondays at 7:30pm Pacific 444.225 (W6PW Repeater BM 31068)
San Francisco Radio Club Net Mondays at 8:00pm Pacific 145.150 (W6PW Repeater)
NorCal DMR Net Thursdays at 7:00pm Pacific 444.225 (W6PW Repeater BM 31068)
Insomniac Trivia Net Daily at 10:00pm Pacific 441.675 (WA7G Repeater)
International Wires-X Net Saturdays at 6:00pm Pacific America-Link (YSF 32592)

Digital Rooms


Room Name Brandmeister ID
World 91
North America 93
NorCal 31068
California 3106
East Central IL 31177
Illinois 3117

Yaesu System Fusion

Room Name YSF ID
America-Link 32592
Kansas City Wide 32453
BayArea 43
Skyhub-Link 32722
US-CQ-California 91800
US-Illinois-Link 83132
US-IL-Chicago-Lk 23018


Room Name Brandmeister ID
Chat 1 2351
Chat 2 2352
Chat 3 2353
QSY1 Chat 2386
QSY2 Chat 2387
Chatroom 1 24201
Chatroom 2 24202
Chatroom 3 24203
Chatroom 4 24204

My personal fork of the ham radio dashboard created by VA3HDL. I customized some of the locations to be more appropriate for the San Francisco Bay Area.


Maximum Usable Frequency

Solar Conditions

Zone Check (Gridsquare Locator)

Cabrillo Contest Log Formatter
