K6BCW Eli Hickox

Amateur Radio Station K6BCW based in San Francisco, California.

My interests with amateur radio include:

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I have a very basic UHF/VHF setup with a few HTs, and a portable QRP HF rig. I like to go to local parks and hills to see who I can contact. You might find me on 10m SSB or FT8. I have constructed a speaker wire dipole and it works really well on 10m. I've managed to make DX contacts with only 5-10 watts. I also have a 6m antenna which I use from time to time. My goal is to contact as many states and countries as possible with this basic setup, taking advantage of the peak of Solar Cycle 25 while it lasts. I'm a member of the San Francisco Amateur Radio Club (SFARC), the California Historical Radio Society (CHRS), and, of course, the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). My brother is KR4AMW. He lives in Georgia, and I live in California, so you have one brother on each coast to try and contact.

I'm active on the WIN System Insomniac Trivia Net.

K6BCW with JPole antenna K6BCW with 10m Dipole antenna

Formerly known as KO6BCW (September 2023 - June 2024).


I prefer LoTW, however I also have QRZ.com and e-QSL.

Contests I have participated in: