October, 2021
Casino is a python3 PyQT desktop application designed to simulate a video poker machine. It was designed to be deployed on a touch screen + Raspberry Pi. It uses the NIST randomness beacon when shuffling the cards. This was the last personal project I did before the LLM revolution changed software development. Some time later, I extended this application's functionality to include blackjack nearly entirely using LLMs.
casino is on GitHub. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
© Eli Hickox License: NCSA
March, 2015
hickoxyz is the repo name for the website you are viewing right now. It is a python3 Flask web app.
The front end is custom and frameworkless. The CSS and (minimal) Javascript are bespoke. The navbar and slideshow components were written from scratch.
As a design principle, I tried to use as little Javascript as possible to accomplish what I wanted.
hickoxyz is on GitHub. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
© Eli Hickox License: NCSA
April, 2016
teetime_booker was a little python script I wrote to book my favorite golf teetime at a local course.
I'm pretty sure this script is defunct and no longer works. Nevertheless it is my most-starred and most-forked repo on Github, so I've included it in this collection.
teetime_booker is on GitHub. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
© Eli Hickox License: MIT
October, 2015
ehLabs is a catch-all for many of my personal projects. It contains several applications:
- real-time chat app
- blogging platform with backups into IPFS
- file hosting application with backups into IPFS and encryption capabilities
- news aggregator
- issue tracker
- public API
ehLabs is currently invite only.
ehLabs is closed source software.
© Eli Hickox
February, 2015
Vimdeploy is a script that will set you up with my favorite vim configuration extremely quickly. To install, follow the instructions below:
Optional: Back up your existing .vimrc file:
$ mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc-old
1. Click the download link below and unzip the file.
2. Change directories to the unzipped folder: $ cd 'PATH/TO/FOLDER'
3. Run $ ./deploy.sh
NOTE: If that doesn't work, try running as root with:
$ sudo ./deploy.sh or make the script executable with: $ chmod u+x deploy.sh
4. Replace your vimrc file:
$ mv .vimrc ~/.vimrc
vimdeploy is on GitHub. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
© Eli Hickox License: NCSA
April, 2014
ESHcript is an (incomplete) interpreted Lisp programming language developed by Eli S. Hickox, hence the name 'ESHcript'. This is not intended to be a full-scale, production level, programming language. A language is only as good as the library that surounds it. This is just a personal pet project that I have been tinkering with for a while. I mostly started this project as a way to learn C as well as a way to learn how programming languages are constructed.
Makes use of the mpc Parser Combinator Library for C.
If you'd like to try out ESHcript, keep in mind, it is Turing Incomplete and currently only supports basic arithmetic operations such as add, subtract, multiply, divide, min, max, modular arithmetic, and power. Data structures currently supported are limited to lists.
To install, click on the download link below, unzip the file, and change directories to the unzipped location. Then run:
$ cc -std=c99 -Wall prompt.c mpc.c -ledit -lm -o prompt
Now you should be able to run: $ ./prompt. A shell similar to the Python Interactive Shell should start.
ESHcript is on GitHub. Pull requests and bug reports are welcome.
© Eli Hickox License: MIT